Question:-(i) Write a letter to the editor of a local daily expressing your grievance caused by the freequent thefts and snatching of gold chains. (HSLC2015)
Ans :
The Editors
The Assam Tribune
Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper,I want to draw attention of the comcerned authorities of our city to the repeated grievances caused by the frequent thefts and snatching of gold chains.The thieves have not only stolen away our valuables but also robbed our slumber.After days labour it is not posible to keep awake.Breaking into becouse have been growing.Many instance of breaking locks in stores and mondirs have already been brought to light.Some unidentified bikers suddenly appear and snatch away the gold chains of the women on street.Complaints have been lodged almost daily but no sign of solution seen from the police.
Sir,may I requested you to publish my letter in your newspaper.
Your Sincerely
Question(2):-Write a letter to the editor of a local daily expressing your grave concern over the dirty unheatly indisciplined and insecured condition of the market place in Guwahati . (HSLC..2015)
The Editor
The Assam Tribune
sub:-Unheathly condition of the market places in Guwahati.
I would like to request you to allow a part of page in your esteemed daily on the horrible state of the market places in Guwahati.Almost all the market places are indiscipline,chaotic,unruly and sticking.Vendors open their goods at their whims.Most vendors are found occupying the foothpaths causing inconvenience to many .Militants have been taking advantages of their gruesome activities.There is now where security arrangement.
Hope,it whould open the eyes of the comcerned department to take up immediate and promt action in this regard.
Yours Sincerly
*next..part cheque on next pagr